Wednesday 13 August 2008

Leo Baxendale- The Cave kids and The Lion Lot

Reprinted in Shiver and Shake holiday special 1978 and called the Shake Squad.

Leo Baxendale drew The Cave Kids for Buster (3/6/67-13/1/68) and while some do contain the odd dinosaur/pterodactyl the creatures that most frequently appear are woolly mammoths. As far as I'm aware Leo drew all of Cave Kids appearances in the Buster comic. The same can't be said of his other Buster strip at the time 'The Pirates' (15/10/66-13/1/68) which did feature the work of other artists from time to time. thanks for the info Kashgar.

Yes, the Shake Squad is the Lion Lot. (From Lion!) It can be quite hard to distinguish Mike Brown from Baxendale during this period (late 60s) especially as I believe Mike Brown did some inking for Leo around this time. thanks NP

thanks Matthew for these images.
reprinted in 1982 Cheeky Annual.

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